As part of our mission to support the continuing education of advocate volunteers and to connect CASA volunteers across the state, CASA of New York State offers continuing education training and workshops and promotes trainings offered by partner organizations.

The child welfare field is continually evolving. The needs of the children and families served by CASA are complex. Because of this, it is requirement that all CASA volunteers engage in at least 12 hours of continuing education, also known as in-service training, annually.

In addition to supporting CASA volunteers and staff, CASA opens some training to families served by CASA and service providers with whom CASA collaborates.

Upcoming trainings include:


Megan Cortese

Kelsey Jamieson


Judith Gerber, Esq.

Chief Attorney of the Attorneys for Children Unit at the Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo


Wednesday April 16th | 11:00am to 12:30pm

Offered via Zoom

Open to CASA volunteers, volunteers in training, CASA staff, service providers with whom CASA collaborates, and community members

Decades of research indicates that treating and responding to children that engage in Problematic Sexual Behaviors in ways systems respond to adult offenders is not effective. Children need comprehensive treatment and response to heal and promote behavioral change.

This training will provide an overview of problematic sexual behaviors in youth and children and includes basic information on the continuum of childhood sexual behaviors, criteria for problematic sexual behaviors, the role of language and science in informing the response, and next steps for communities.

School Matters for Court-Involved Children

An Opportunity for CASAs that Help Children Flourish 

Tuesday March 25th and Thursday March 27th | 6:00 to 7:30pm

Offered via Zoom

Open to CASA volunteers, volunteers in training, CASA staff, service providers with whom CASA collaborates, and community members

In this two-part series, Judith Gerber, Esq. will introduce CASA’s to the law, tools and strategies to help children better flourish in school.  

The first session will address the legal responsibilities of child welfare agencies; children’s entitlements to school stability; accessing school records; and the school discipline process.  

The second session will explore the ins and outs of special education and ways to advocate effectively for children in the school arena.