Your sponsorship makes our impact possible.


Please send Diamond & Hearts for New York’s Children Event high resolution copy/ad (PNG preferred) to Deadline: April 16, 2025.

Full Page Ad: 4.75 X 7.75
Half Page Ad: 4.75 X 3.75
Quarter Page Ad: 4.75 X 1.75

Diamond & Hearts Event

Each year, CASA of New York State hosts Diamond & Hearts for New York’s Children, a friendraising event at which CASA recognizes the advocacy, contribution and collaboration within the CASA network and among key partners in the child welfare field. This event provides an excellent opportunity to showcase sponsors and be a part of a community working to Change a Child’s Story.

Diversified support that benefits communities around the state

Sponsorship support is complemented by support from funders such as the Office of Court Administration of the New York State Unified Court System and the New York State Office of Victim Services. Most of the support CASA of New York State receives is passed through to local CASA programs and has a direct impact on children and families in local communities throughout the state.

CASA of New York State and our affiliated local programs also receive technical assistance, training curricula, branding and marketing support and more from the National CASA/GAL Association, which is funded in part by the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Many local programs in New York also receive support from their county or municipality.

This government funding is complemented by support from foundations, corporate sponsors and individuals.

If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship, or would like explore partnership opportunities, please contact Jackie Boissonnault, Executive Director, at 518.424.1637 or