CASA and our Advocate Volunteers play a very special role in the lives of children and in our family court and child welfare systems.
Across the state, there are children who need your help. Attending an info session can be the first step. For those who are interested, pre-service training is the next step toward becoming part of a community working to change a child’s story.
Our one-hour, no obligation info sessions can help you learn more about CASA to decide if it is the right volunteer opportunity for you.
Info sessions are offered at least once a month via Zoom. Led by our team at CASA of New York State in collaboration with staff from our fifteen local CASA programs around the state, these sessions offer the perfect way to learn more about CASA, the advocate volunteer role, and the difference that CASA volunteers make in the lives of abused and neglected children and youth.
You may choose from one of the options on the drop down menu on the registration form. In the month prior to a pre-service training cycle, we may offer additional info sessions. All Free. No obligation.
Advance registration required.
Most programs across the state collaborate with CASANYS on pre-service training. Local programs coordinate applications and register individuals for this training, which is required for individuals who want to become a CASA advocate volunteer with their local program. Inquiries about pre-service training and applications should be directed to the CASA program in your area. Click below to find the contact information for your local program.
Most training courses are six weeks in length. Classes meet weekly in three-hour sessions offered via Zoom and are facilitated collaboratively by CASA of New York State’s Director of Training and Technology and local CASA program staff. Online pre-work required in between sessions. Total of 36 hours.
While no prior related experience is needed, an advance application is required.
2025 Courses:
Winter Sessions:
January 28 - March 4
5:30pm - 8:30pm
January 30 - March 6
10am - 1pm
Spring Sessions:
April 29 - June 10
5:30pm - 8:30pm
May 1 - June 12
10am - 1pm
Fall Sessions:
September 30 - November 4
5:30pm - 8:30pm
October 2 - November 13
10am - 1pm
Contact your local program for more information as space is limited and pre-registration is required.